Tanarmouth, Glen Tanar, Aberdeenshire
Location N 57°04.1’
W 2°48.3’
OSGR NO513976
Span 30.5m (100 feet)
Width not known, probably 0.9m (3 feet)
Built 1871
Designed by John Harper (1833-1906)
Manufactured by Harper & Co, Mealmarket St., Aberdeen
Evidence that this was a Harper bridge: definite
There were probably several bridges built by Harpers in Glentanar from about 1870-73. This one lasted until after the Second World War, when a friend told me that it was still crossable by adventurous children. It was sited at Tanarmouth, where the Tanar joins the River Dee. We were directed to the remains by Dr Pierre Fouin, which consisted of a small tensioner fixed to a fallen post with the main cable still attached. This we followed down the river where it ended in a clump of vegetation in mid stream. In a later visit the cable had parted but we could see a log with vegetation in the neighbouring River Dee. This we retrieved and found another tensioner still attached. These tensioners were smaller than any others found and one of them were labelled “Harpers patent No1” (see Technical). A similar style was found in the fence posts – Nos 1 & 2 referring to diameter. The illustrations all refer to the Tanarmouth bridge.

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